Friday, February 08, 2008

friday, right?

well. the morning at work started off oh-so-busily, as it often does.
and then, not that the things to do just stopped, but i just stopped doing them.
hello space cadet.

i have always been a procrastinator, and today was no exception. what i did today instead of work:
a. found a scribbler online. try it.
b. revamped my myspace page and blog. it's quite pretty.
c. watched trailer for definitely, maybe. going with the boy next week and couldn't be more pleased. i get to sit next to him, and gaze upon ryan reynolds. yum.
d. looked at the political candidates more. really have no preference. hillary or barack, you have my vote. still planning on going to the polls may 6th, and making a decision then. still think republicans are poop despite what my 'rents say.
e. researched journalism grants from the knight foundation. (kind of work)
f. realized that i love bright eyes. as much as every one considers them a sissy emo band, i love them. they are my favorite band in the world. i can listen to them all day, and for some reason, their somber lyrics have no depressive effects on me. ?
g. contacted band about future article.
h. this post.
i. shot the S*@$ with meredith and bob white about a lot of random stuff. oh how i love mrs. stiehl.

i mean, i did do work. answer phones, registration, sort out charitable licensure solicitation, blahblahblah. still. i could have done more.

excited because this weekend my sister and best friend are coming to see ME. because next week i get to go see my boy for FOUR (count 'em) whole days. because my new-to-me volvo is officially mine.
frustrated because i got paid today and will have roughly $55 leftover. bah stupid bills and grownupdom.

anyway, here is to the weekend.

1 comment:

Leslie Pearson said...

I tried the scribbler!! Awesome!