Friday, December 07, 2007

i find this quote to be breathtaking:
"as i lay in that dark hour, I was aghast to realize that something within me, long sickening, had quietly died, and felt as a husband might feel, who, in the fourth year of his marriage, suddenly knew that he had no longer any desire,
or tendernesss,
or esteem for a once beloved wife;
no pleasure in her company,
no wish to please,
no curiosity about anything she might ever do or say or think;
no hope of setting things right,
no self reproach for the disaster."
--brideshead revisited.

i would read many a page of an awful novel to come along this description. i feel it is insanely accurate in its description of the manifestations of love.

oh yeah. i went to boston. it feels like home.

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