Friday, February 22, 2008

This is why I want Hillary elected President. I think she has the balls, grace, and experience to lead this nation.

"It amazes me how everyone, including the media-even including the pro-Hillary media, seem to miss the point. First and foremost, Clinton is clearly the more informed candidate on the issues. Just watch the debate. She answers a question demonstrating her knowledge of the most intimate details regarding foreign and domestic policy, her understanding of the “way things work” (ie: you don’t just sit down at the table with your enemies without certain preconditions being met, unlike Obamanation, who invites the fox into the henhouse to see what will ensue) Obama just lifts her ideas and adds a point or 2 to make it look like his own. He is hollow. Second, her comment about plagiarism is valid, if only because of the irony regarding the statement in question. It was a statement addressing the importance of language. Should that statement be the one he lifts from someone else without crediting the origin? Finally, the closing of the debate truly put things in perspective, but everyone seemed to miss it. It wasn’t that Hillary clasped Obama’s hand and made nice. It was that when given the opportunity to address a personal crisis in their lives,Obama completely skirted the issue, and talked about his “personal political trajectory”, the incredible Obama Rocket, that took him to where he is today. Pure hubris. Hillary addressed the issue squarely by alluding to the personal and professional problems that she overcame and that everyone is more than aware of, and then, rather than focusing on herself, she reframed the scenario and spoke to the fact that it is not she who has endured crises, it is the soldiers in Iraq, the people losing their homes to foreclosure. She knows only too well she lives a life of comfort and privilege. Instead of glorifying herself as Obama did, she humbled herself. In dumbed-down America, it is the cult of personality that wins the day, not the person of substance. It’s how Bush got into the White House." -- New York Times Blog Response to Parsing Clinton's Praise

Yup. Sad thing is I think she's not gonna get the nomination.

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